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알랑이 정보교류소

구독자 수3298
더따리 추가날짜
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알랑이 정보교류소


곰블 퀴즈 정답

곰블 퀴즈 #007 정답질문 Which of the following are contributions of community members in promoting GOMBLE platform?

답 All of the above.

질문 Which of the following is the core of GOMBLE’s mission statement?

답 Making fun games ecosystem.

질문 Which of the following is NOT an example of a content distribution act of contributors?

답 Sharing Selfies.

질문 What stands as the core philosophy of GOMBLE?

답 Everything in Life can be Gamified.


곰블에 관심 있으시면 지금 시작해보셔요!!

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