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알랑이 정보교류소

구독자 수3298
더따리 추가날짜
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알랑이 정보교류소


__곰블 퀴즈 정답__

곰블 퀴즈 #006 정답질문 Through expansion of Dimension 3, which of the following will GOMBLE be able to target?

답 All of the above

질문 GOMBLE’s philosophy of “Simplicity” focuses on which of the following?

답 Simple concept and comprehensible rules

질문 GOMBLE believes that excessive commercialization is jeopardizing the true joy of which of the following?

답 Gaming

질문 Which of the following is one of GOMBLE’s investors?

답 All of the above

————————————— 곰블에 관심 있으시면 지금 시작해보셔요!!

코드 oJRMOH vpQB4I 0V9Tm7 GBmvv7 rQ9Kjg sTSkUB